Really I'm not intending to blast Kerry. But the way the system is set up obviously, he can securely try to wrap himself in the arms of the...
Let me add this. I don't particularly care for Rehnquist nor O'Connor, but they are the 2 judges most likely to retire within the next...
Lottery, I would argue, and based on recent Court decisions, what we have is a libertarian Court. We have one that puts contract and property...
I sense that, per usual, you simply don't understand. Coming from someone who obviously is unable to string together a chain of thought unless...
Lottery, I think you are half-right. No legislator or ure would dare *take God* out. For a simple reason, democracy. They are accountable for...
That is a route not even this far-left Supreme Court is likely to take questioning Congress' spending power. There is no way around the necessity...
The USSC shouldn't have even heard this case. Big picture, this further bastardizes the purpose and reason for the equal protection and due...
One school of thought to explain the over represenation of black players in the NBA is that basketball is seen as a way out of poor communities....
"It reminds me of the story -- I happen to collect stories that the Soviet people are telling each other, the Russian people. It indicates their...
Is it still on the air? The only radio personality they hired that had any experience in the genre was that Rhodes woman from South Florida. And...
Some things never change. You take a few weeks off from the Forum and the longest thread includes about half of the posts from our resident...
I've thought all along that if I was advising Osama, I'd hire a few Chinaman or Indians and wipe out the US Economy with a couple of keystrokes....
Please be more specific. I can understand your near hysteria over your *rights* being trampled upon by the Federal Government. Ironic that many...
Iraqis=Minutemen God= a wizard. More cutting edge humor, just a different, but similar source.
Preach on Reverend Atheist! Hee-hee Wizard=God. Love that cutting edge humor.
General Wes Clark enthusiastically took Mr. Moore's endorsement. I know you can help who endorses you, but you can control your enthusiasm for...
Down with the Meritocracy!
Well I bet he's got what he wants. I'd estimate his paid campus speaking engagements just multiplied greatly. And he'll be carried by more...
But if you pray, don't you risk upsetting your leader? Please, don't take that great risk for me. Its the same ol' thing with the anti-religion...