Why would a low dollar bring in foreign investment? I've never heard anyone make that argument. A dropping dollar means that if you invest $1 = 1...
Cotton Bowl, how old are you? From your handle, it appears that you were in your prime when all of the racists voted democrat. I'd also like...
whoops This is supposed to be a response to the bush tax cuts thread. Why would a low dollar bring in foreign investment? I've never heard...
As soon as hits have to hit a target about 3 times the diameter of the ball in order to count, I'll start thinking about it.
Not so much like, but I admire the way the democrats never admit defeat. They always behave like they're in power, no matter what the situation is.
The Sapphire Rose by David Eddings. The Fiance' got me into this fantasy stuff, and now I'm addicted. I'm waiting to get "New Spring" by Robert...
Hopefully, next time someone lobbies her for more money to help the poor she'll laugh in their faces. "Poor? HA! Poor people don't live in...
I have to admit, that's a pretty convincing argument. Maybe the rich are scamming the poor. Hmmm....
Who do you think 'the rich' are? Most millionaires (people whose net worth is in excess of $1M) are people who are close to retirement, if not...
Actually, something like 95% of all millionaires in the US are self made.
I want to know when letting me keep my own money became government spending. Does all of my income belong to the government and I just take home...
Something tells me there could be a sort of informal blacklisting of guys like Clarett. If it were me, I think I'd wait a year to see how the NFL...
are the individual votes public record? If they are, I doubt anyone would do it anyway.
There were several who, leading up to the end of the season, wrote columns about the fact that they were going to vote LSU #1 and why. Rabalais...
NONONONONONONO NO CAMPAIGN! we don't need to piss anyone off, just put the idea in the head of someone with integrity.
I think it's a fabulous idea. Email it to Rabalais. Once. Or maybe the guy in Tennessee. There has to be one AP writer with enough integrity...
Young would be fine with a competent coaching staff, just like Jason Campbell would.
nopers Louisiana bid laws only apply in public bid work, i.e., work to be paid for by the state. The west staduim expansion is a TAF deal, so...
The Advocate says that the biloxi firm was given the 'value engineering' job, and haven't been awarded the job. The problem is that all of the...