I guess you don't remember hillarycare. Or the 'middle class tax cut' that wound up being one of the biggest tax increases in history. Clinton...
I'm not sure I see what's supposed to be so commie about that. My reading basically says that the government caused the current jobs situation by...
Nice try at changing the subject. You libs are good at that. This thread was never about whether or not tax cuts were ok. We can argue that...
WTF are you talking about? What have I stated as fact that is not easily verifiable? In fact, go ahead and disregard anything that I have stated...
I can't speak for Martin, but I make $41k a year. That's hardly high income. The difference between you and me is that I expect to be rich in...
Cottonbowl, Any economy has fixed resources that have to be allocated to participants in that economy. Our economy does this apportionment...
The part that amuses me is that people who run as Republican 'moderates' (meaning I love the free market, but stay out of my bedroom too) usually...
1) Libertarian Party 86% 2) Constitution Party 68% 3) Republican Party 59% 4) Reform Party 32% 5) Democratic Party...
Because the left in this country was demanding a coalition. God forbid we defend our freaking country on our own. Political pressure won out...
I would contend that there are a few things we do better than anyone. 1) We have more capital to invest than any other country in the world....
THE GOVERNMENT IS NOT THE SOLUTION TO ALL OF YOUR PROBLEMS. Why is outsourcing an issue that the president (whoever he happens to be) needs to...
seriously though, I have to say that it's nice to see someone who can take a joke. As for a serious response, here you go... Fundamentally,...
Jack Ryan. Without a doubt, the best concept for a president ever. If I'm constrained to real people, Condolezza Rice has always impressed...
Grammar and Form: Very Nice. I give it an A-. Not quite poetry, but very good prose. Content: I'd ordinarally give it an F, but since it...
Link? Just preempting cb69...
I keep saying that this guy is dumb like a fox. You guys lon the left keep misunderestimating him and he keeps kicking your a$$. I once heard a...
I'd like to know where this vast wealth of knowledge came from, as I have never heard anything to the effect of these claims made my anyone, much...
The problem here is that the society that allows abortions doesn't give a fetus the status of life. If all of society believed, as you do, that...
I must say that I'm a bit disturbed with myself. When I first read what martin wrote, my reaction was that he was just a wacko. Then I kept...
and Excuse me? Have you ever read a history book? Or any book at all? Ever heard of Abraham Lincoln? Yeah, Republican. A democrat...