Francois does not have the grades currently. No Miami offer 'cause of grades
It is 99 44/100 % he is coming to LSU
Many a mid-major coach has fallen on his butt when he moved to the big time. UM is an unproven coach at this level. I saw a few games of his this...
A head coach can visit in the home once. Can visit an many in the home during a week as he wants to. Asst. coaches can visit in home more. I've...
If you are considerad a booster which is a grad, attendee once, contributor, ticket holder, etc., you would get LSU in trouble with the NCAA and...
LSU's QB recruiting is over
She has had trouble adjusting to the college game
He has no future in football unless he goes into coaching
My prediction still stands
Then we swap for Davis and call it even
Russell has gotten scared of making mistakes and does not let the game come to him.
His mother, Lily said he will not transfer. Justin said no too. Answers it?
Spurrier better get a defensive genius and some recruiters. His program sucked when he left because he did not recruit. Like FSU, his offense was...
Spurrier does not buy players like Texass does.
Still shown on roster on LSU web site
I love how our d.b.'s clap their hands when they give up a big play.
He was not offered
After 4 years he had 53 players on scholarship. Self-imposed sanctions
He was probably on one of his toots when he said that.
His offer was greyshirt