I remember you saying similar things about Major Applewhite. Do you know anything about this guy? Why do you say he's a solid hire for Saban?...
My vote is for Nebraska. They only have 4 road games next year. We could replace New Mexico State on their schedule. We currently have a love...
Yes, there are many other things that come into a decision. But I truly believe all players want to win a championship where they play. Not all...
I'm very pleased with how our class is shaping up. Our Louisiana recruits want to play for LSU. There are many out of state recruits that also...
Let me simplify all this talk between recruits choosing between Bama or LSU. The goal of every player is to win a Conference Championship and a...
What is interesting about Hester's NFL future is that he will give a much larger return for a team selecting him then probably over 50% of the...
Meyers recent recruiting tactics have been getting air play on the radio today. I hope it ends up screwing him.
That is a good one! Here's a classic Bama signature worthy: "We Bowlin Baby" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kL00FDb5zqc
Pryor is going to Oregon. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2008/writers/stewart_mandel/01/23/pryor.oregon/index.html There is no mention of LSU...
How about that coach at Baylor? He's done an outstanding job bringing the Baylor program back.
The road for the SECCG goes through Baton Rouge for now. :crystal::miles:
Re: LSU in the 2000s -- on track to beat Spurrier in the 90's or Bear Bryant in the 7 Red, can you give some insight into why a few of the...
Re: LSU in the 2000s -- on track to beat Spurrier in the 90's or Bear Bryant in the 7 It seems there should be a clear separation between...
http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2008/football/ncaa/01/23/rodriguez.wvu.ap/index.html I've always thought something was up when I heard Rich...
I'm not saying a big drop off. I was pretty shocked that they lost to Michigan at the end of the season. Everyone is expecting them to win the...
It would be cool if his last visit is LSU. You never know what might happen. Too bad he could not experience Tiger Stadium. But I'm sure he's...
Would you goes as far as to say there has been a drop off in Florida's program? Or is it too early to say?
This is a good question. I've thought of this often this past season. Why? Because I was disappointed in Florida this past season with a weak...
Is there any news that he has set a firm visit date yet?
It seems this guy can play as a Freshman. With his talent I would think he has to consider being a 3 year college player. If that is the case...