If he wasn't a suspect, why would the cop want to draw blood?
Excuse me for asking a common sense question. If the suspect is dead in the ER what difference does it make where the blood is drawn? Or why even...
So are you saying he reacted appropriately?
You didn't ask me, but I'll respond anyway. He lost control and let the situation escalate to a point it had no business going. Given where the...
I just realized that this incident took place over a month ago.
Based on what I saw in the video, I agree with you. The cop was way out of line. Unless he has some priors I can't see him getting fired....
Now comes the worst part. The scam artists descending upon the Gulf Coast to take advantage of the victims of Harvey. Shooting them would be too...
I didn't know you married a Rhodes scholar. On a more serious note, congratulations to you, your wife, and your daughters. That's a hell of an...
I guess the check's in the mail.
White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders has announced that President Donald Trump is donating $1million of his own money to victims of...
FoxNews just had a report from my old home town of Vinton. Water appeared to be knee deep.
The East Coast main stream media.
My goodness. From Naval Intelligence to health care administration. Although I must give credit to Tricare. With the health care issues I've...
I spent all of my Air Force active duty/contractor career in Logistics. Retired as an E-8. Spent the last 17 years working on the Air Force's...
And it's just not the US Navy. I spent almost 50 years in the Air Force. 20 on active duty and almost 30 working various Air Force contracts....
Then why did you give my post an upvote?
You are a WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT!! The Gulf Coast is about to get pounded by one of the worst storms in history and here you are posting the same...
Everything I'm reading suggests it's Houston or nothing.
What is someone in the US Navy doing in Des Moines for eight years?
The same applies to you. I'm sure that doesn't come as a surprise.