Your act is old. Particularly for a 12 year old. Go to bed.
Look in a mirror.
Yeah, you're an Internet bad ass. I'm trembling.
The only head you're getting is running into a door.
Yes you do #2 with your ass. Anything else?
If the Dandy One was still with us, he'd be turning out the lights. This party's over.
Thanks for narrowing it down. o_O
UF moved their game up to tomorrow AM. The other two games have been postponed.
I remember my last fist fight like it was yesterday. And we all know that wasn't the case. The dude was about 4" shorter & 15 - 20 pounds...
I just saw a satellite image of Irma. That's one bad ass looking storm. Somebody's getting ready to get their asses pounded.
Is there a bad BBQ place in Memphis?
The Golden Triangle area of SE Texas produced some pretty damn good coaches. In addition to JJ, both Bum & Wade Phillips coached there. I...
Who is it?
Thanks Doc. My blood pressure is very good given age & other medical issues.
"RamahRising" Do you get paid by the word?
I need to see more than ONE game.
Who pissed in your Corn Flakes?
He couldn't stand all of the football talk. [ATTACH]