Hey, I agree with Les, not condemning him!!! I'm just laughing about those posters who find so much fault with the student section---obviously...
Apparently, Les Miles does not share the sentiments of those posters to this forum who wish to see the student section penalized for their actions...
Michigan is such a union dominated state, and those exposed to that mentality for so many years may let it carry over to even their coaching...
Well, there's always Louisiana College for those scholars who like to follow Mommie and Daddy's instructions about only going to class and TO STAY...
Thank you, KCAL---once in a great while a phrase can cut to the heart of the matter. Students' jobs are to be young and stupid. That's just part...
Darn, you'd think those students actually believe football games are played BY students FOR the students!! I hate for them to find out it's...
It sure seems that there's a not small contingent that just hasn't accepted Les Miles, terrific coach and gentleman that he is as our coach....
Yup, nothing like the fifth-year senior deer-in-the-headlights panic running around. Do we want the best talent on the field, or the labor union...
There's a new gunslinger in Tiger Town, and his name is PERRILLOUX!!! Fast, quick release, and accurate. How can you keep him offthe field?
#65 redeemed himself on the last touchdown...Christ, that's the first time he's blocked anyone all night. He's just been watching the d-line run...
Doe no one on this forum remember the gambling issues (football point shaving---no pun intended, since it was operated out of a barber shop) of...