It could come down to the uga quality win points. Hopefully we play either ut or florida in the seccg. Otherwise our quality win points go down...
I would love to see us play texas in a BCS bowl if possible. We would probably win by 20+ points and I'm sure it would be great for recruiting....
Woot! Come on jawja we need those quality win points! Hopefully florida wins out now, so we can get a rematch against them as a top 10 opponent.
I didn't even know that Georgia Tech and Tulane were in the SEC. What happened there?(sorry to hijack)
Would we be the first SEC team to win the Rose Bowl, or even play in it?
I think quality wins is calculated only for the last bowl rankings. So, if we meet uga in the seccg and beat them, they will take a fall in the...
Lucky for us it shouldn't make a big difference even if Saban makes a mistake on who to start. We're getting into the softer part of the schedule...
And only 19 votes behind wash st, but 79 behind fsu.
I forgot the other teams were undefeated though, makes a difference. Assuming that miami loses, or OU. Hasn't OU lost to oklahoma state 2 years...
Wasn't Georgia a one-loss sec champion last year?