Ah, nevermind, you found some. How about some spelling and grammar?
May I interest you in some punctuation?
Just heard on After Further Review that Hill and another 18-year-old man were arrested and charged with "oral sexual battery" for allegedly...
Big glass of water and a handful of Jack Daniels Whiskey Praline Pecans.
Aw, I think she looks fine here. I've seen worse. They're not fishnets, just patterned tights, maybe?
Wow, dude, lighten up. I don't think KyleK has any intention of stalking your friend. KTHXBAI!
I got a case of Fat Tire at a gift grab party on Tuesday night! Finally got a gift I will definitely enjoy. Last year I ended up with a penguin...
Divine Reserve is like liquid gold to my brother. He can't get enough of it. If the Christmas Ale is hoppy then that might be why I didn't like...
I think he was talking about Abita, but I'm stoked about St. Arnold's extending their distribution, too. Love Lawnmower. I haven't had their...
This is the trick I use. Read about it online. Open the palm of your hand and press your finger to the meaty part right below your thumb. If...
Yeah, I think Okie wins today.
One of those Jimmy Dean D-Light turkey sausage sandwiches and fruit. Not bad!
You should try a couple of dashes of cinnamon on your sammy next time.
Fruit, fruit, and more fruit. Salad with honeydew, watermelon, and cantaloupe. What I *really* wanted was a chicken breakfast burrito from...
Really? I'm pretty sure I was there the whole time, but I think I may have had too *much* Fall Fest so I can't say I'm 100% sure of my...
So a little bit of Fall Fest is what it takes to get you to come out of hiding? Haha!
One of the first series was a pick-6, I think. Right in front of us...... That game was crazy intense.
I'll never forget the win in Oxford in '03. I spent most of the game underneath the bleachers stealing whiskey from other Tiger fans and...
[IMG] Looks kinda like a corpse to me. If they woulda gone with Green Man Re: It's Always Sunny instead of Gray Man, I might've been able to...
We called it Ryan Street High.