would you say chad jones improved this year? It would be nice if mallveto woulda taught tackling 101 to quite a few of our guys in the secondary.
VK coaches the bend but don't break defense that doesn't work in the sec but i guess it's better than the 'break' defense mallveto coaches.
03 i believe
I think i'm about to re-up but this site literally died when it went the restricted forums/contributor route... bring back ramah and his glass...
that's lsutiga
high ankle sprain
droppings won't let you spam their board anymore so you come here to spam us? :miles:
need a few for our tailgate. thanks!
what's going on saltman, keeping those pansy liberals in check?:hihi:
Congrats! Will it be on 1300? pm if you don't want it posted on the board..
richard the board op at 1300 sounds just like your old cohost on the geaux show, same guy right? fish and clair had the best online sports...
thats my cousin cooter footsy.
here is an interesting article about the over-hyped players coming out of usc....
How do you think your boy Sanchez will do this year?
Re: JayB is HEADED HOME!!! Hey JayB, WELCOME HOME! just the other day i saw a guy in albertson's wearing an ice gators hat.
usctiga, did you make any usc games this season?:LSU231:
#1 LSU #2 UGA #3 FLA #4 USC #5 Alabama
Corso was just on SC pimpin' LSU the entire segment.
a bib?