Why should you get to have all the fun?
I don't think anybody will deny Lee had to start earlier than he was supposed to. Actually that's pretty much the entire point.
Wow you can tell that from watching him in one bowl game where he had a month to prepare for only one opponent. You sir are my hero.
On pace for a 52 to 46 game. I didn't see any of the first half but the last couple minutes. What gives? Good defense, bad offense, officials?
The article link doesn't work anymore. I looked around the site but didn't see it. Wonder why? Nevemind: I found it....
Just put the Pitt feed on. They look frustrated\lost. Could be one hell of an upset if they continue like that.
Were in the second round of the NCAA's. Who would have thunk it? I felt really good about the UNC game about 30 minutes ago. Then I started...
He better have on hell of a next game too.
Refs made half time adjustments and decided to tighten up on the physicality and call twice as many fouls.
It only seems to be by 10 second or so. Not really that big of a deal.
You must be ahead of the Internet feed. I ban you from posting. :hihi: Just kidding.
Hoop, great start. Spender for 3.
You can do either. And it's a nice picture too!
CBS feed just started. Well it just says the game hasn't started yet, but at least I know it should work. :grin: TIGERS!
That's a duplicate. The original is hung by the pearly gates.
I can feel his tears as I read that transcript. I'm all caught up in his awesomeness.
Home or away, it doesn't really matter for Houston. Either way it's a first round series loss.
Time to turn on the radio I guess.
I agree. And anything to give Jefferson a little more confidence and familiarity will be a good thing.
I knew Jimmy Kyle's brother pretty well in high school. Really cool guys.