I dont have a link handy, but the information is on the ncaa clearinghouse website somewhere.
good news
I think coaches and fans should get used to it, in the last 3 years the core courses required were 14 (up from 13 3 years ago) causing the latest...
The higher the gpa, the lower the ACT needed (also it's not composite ...ie "17"...any more, it's the raw cumulative score). For the sake of...
ok slick, come back when Miles has played Richt 4 times...and bring your Logic for Dummies book with you.
charges were dropped
So you think Rich Brooks is a better coach than Richt?
Mahtook is a superb DB prospect, not sure if LSU will pursue him, but he will get some attention there for sure. He also has a pretty strong arm,...
How do you define good coach? Wins? X&O's? Dealing with media? Running a program? Our coach wins and can obviously run a program/delegate...
I think I read it was into a -0.4 headwind.
Very early but I know the coaches are after him hard and we signed 0 RBs last year.
If he were going to kick him off, he'd either have done it by now or he wouldn't be making the doghouse comment. I think we can assume he's giving...
That's the way the schools \want it...baseball makes the least amount of money (typically a loss), the other sports (coughfootballcough) pays for...
Re: Perrilloux cited for misdemeanor not significant in itself, but significant in light of the pattern of his behavior and the events which...
This looks like a fireworks truck-sale: BLACK CATS BUY 3 GET 1 FREE!!!! [IMG]
LSU's is the nicest looking...Cal's looks like a shortbus...OSU has a good looking one, and A&M is ok. Rest are cheesy looking. oh yea,...
they don't fit into this thread, they were just on his mind
Re: Perrilloux cited for misdemeanor suspended indefinitely
his mistake, they are renewed (earned) from year to year
I look forward to his video, please post the link in this thread.