LSU will not dodge anyone... Sorry this pisses me off...
take the city back.....
built it and they will come... I fly and LSU flag on my car and house on a regualr basis.... bring it :lsup: LSU! :geauxtige this is still...
I went to that game chargers and dolphins they gave the tickets away
all my friends are in the beverage business including my wife... we could put together one hell of a is the only out of pocket item....
that pic is great .....
fish what is that pic next to your name??? I cant make it out
Ill up that... I with some friends will put on a massive tailgate and all food and booze is free... :geauxtige
2003 game was great in Tucson..... they had no idea what was going on... Can you imagine if LSU does not get to play a home game in Tiger...
the NFL should give the tickets away to fill TS up.or $1 tickets to all with LSU student ID's
I have made that drive a couple of times... long way...
my thoughts and reason for the question is I cant imagine who could. all the things that have gone on this week, plus the money and time to fly...
sorry moved to Tempe and have the asu team go to BR in 08...switch the sites
how many would or could actually make the game? changing my plans to make it to TIger stadium till Oct. :geauxtige
good question I dont think it will hurt due to the good things the people at LSU are doing to help out. :helmet:
asu does not look very good with a bad temple team . they are a bit sloppy. I feel LSU will crush this ASU team even if they play on the moon......
Continental told me to reschedule the trip if I can. I am going to reschedule for a later date.... Good luck and If the LSU ASU game is here...
would it be safe to fly in for sept 10th game???? I have a plane ticket. not sure to make the trip or not.. :geauxtige
I think this team will come out ready to roll. This team showed tons of heart last year in the come from behind games. I would hate to be ASU... ?????