DuckDawg: Where are the pundits predicting you guys to end up in case of a close loss?
I disagree with you 120% here. If it were like McRibs, you would see and feel the results within 5 minutes.
Reason #1,287 why the rest of world does not take California seriously.
I really liked jetstrom's idea. Not a real big fan of the game being in Miami, as that is not close to anyone but Florida, but the rest of the...
Southlink Returns!!! With a new pic. You'll never get a complaint over here for that pic.
I can't believe Southlink isn't over here giving us his insight.
I'm with you on this one. I really feel bad to those folks over there. I guess, as we are heading towards bowl season, we are feeling the...
Wow, that's dedication. Way to go!
You are so correct. This is why they were snubbed last year (or was it the year before last) by all the bowls when they were 7-4.
It looked plastic on tv. I know everyone loves that fake grass, but it really looked bad.
If those are student tickets, you will need a student id to get in.
Hey Eli, don't trip over your own feet.
The last time I took that same cruise, they piped in the Miami affiliates. So yes, you should be able to get CBS. There is no competition that...
I have no problem pleading ignorance on your point here.
I agree. If there is anything that I "liked" about Ole Miss, it was that they had tradition.
I have always heard that the major state universities are purposely located where they are to eliminate distractions for the students. That's...
What are your opinions on all that has gone on with your mascot? Are you glad they retired the old Colonel? What did you think of the two...
Ya'll do realize that this is just a message board, and this is a game that none of us actually play in, right?
This interview made the paper here in Nashville.
What a great article. Nice find!