That was my original thought. Tickets are going for about $2,000 apiece. I was going to watch the game with $4,000 in my pocket. These are our...
I am so sick of Benson holding the state hostage with his pathetic football team. I could not agree with Nagin more, give us the Cleveland deal!
I am a Sox fan, but not a fanatic. I am leaning towards not going, but how many times in my life will I get a chance to go to a World Series...
I would love to hear some feedback on my conundrum: I am a huge LSU fan here in Chicago. I get together with the alumni chapter up here and...
The neat thing here is that LSU happened to be the first to get a seismograph reading. Clemson will probably try to copy that too, sooner or...
Just wanted to let you know that I was on the exact opposite side of the band in the South end zone. You guys sounded great! I had several...
I was at the game. I think it is safe to say that we outnumbered Vandy fans by about 2-1. My personal favorite was all our fans booing the...
see if this works:...
Wow, that's like poetry or something. I missed that halftime show. Anybody have a pic they can throw on?
Me too. I will be there on Thursday night. If anyone is going to be at The Stage or Tootsie (across from the arena downtown), keep a lookout...
I'll be there. This is the closest they will be to me up here in Chicago. I grabbed tickets on Southwest for $95.00 round trip. I will be...
And while we are asking band questions, I have this one. I will be in Nashville this weekend. Will it be the pep band or full band making the...
I recommend everyone calling this number. Remember, It Could Always Suck More 781-382-3756
Wow, that description of the atmosphere last night gave me chills. Make sure you read on in the column.
I live in Chicago. I brought my "Yankee" girlfriend down to the bar where the LSUChicageaux alumi group watches games. There was about 75 of us...
I don't seem the harm in going another route at QB. JR has a ton of talent, but not a whole lot of game intelligence. We have seen many...
This is hilarious! I'm am going to waste my company's time for an hour or so and try to memorize this.
How many times have we seen mediocre coaches from an average at best conference fail miserably in the SEC. This was possibly the best example....
I know that the Titans share the Coliseum with Tennessee State and a bowl game and seem to get along just fine. The Bears share Soldier Field...
Tiger Fans are not exempt here. I remember vehemently being in Tiger Stadium and hearing thousands of "boo birds" give it to Lou Tepper as he...