I wrote that book in my infancy!
I'm sorry, I didn't know his brother was a forum member! Also your statement would imply that he actually has a scholly. This obviously can't be...
Great season still but shouldn't it now be "Pokey for Pres, Brady for Veep!!"
Are you **itting me? This guy should practice pulling his pud because he could probably become an olympiad. Basketball on the other hand, he...
He looks like a pimp. What's up with Mike's "cape"??? This must be the infamous SUPERMIKE that I have heard stories about in the past.
You will see the article when you click here: http://msn.foxsports.com/cbk Todd
Tiger Stadium 27% Kyle Field 25% You guys voting twice again?
My high school stadium was better than this. Nosebleed doesn't even reach midway on the trees!! :hihi: Nothing like spending a Saturday night here...
That Magnolia Cafe actually burned to the ground about 1 1/2 years ago. I know because I had to put it out! It's relocated behind where the...
Miami # 7 Tennessee # 15 Have they been watching the same football I have been watching??
SabanFan= Dirt nap, any day now!!:D Just kidding buddy, have a good one!
See how the media can blow things out of proportion. I saw on ESPN that it was a complete Paul Wall grill!! Ya What? Ya, Ya, Ya grill!
Tigers receive an invitation to CNBC's Squawk Box?? WTF? Tyrus, what do you think about Home Depot stock? Or Davis, How about that Merck stock,...
Can you give us a link to this whining??
My bet is that Champs in BR will have some. I have had good luck with them getting hats quickly.
If you rotate the bear upside down, you can clearly see a Trojan being banged by a sheep.