Hawk, I must ask you to remove this picture from your post. It was supposed to be an intimate encounter between my wife and myself. It somehow...
Greetings from beautiful St. Francisville, LA. We have a spot for you here. We call it "the farm". It is a wonderfully sprawling gated community....
I heard there would be free kool-aid and breathalyzers outside the locked compound.
A brick o' weed? It sounds like he had a whole house built o' weed!! Ramonce: See Ricky Williams for future outcome!
I went to Cocodrie Friday and yesterday. We caught 4 bull reds and 90 specks. Biggest was 23 inches. It doesn't look like the fish have skipped a...
Who the baby daddy??
Or even worse. A whopping $500 fine and sensitivity training!
Less than a mile for me. Wife is about 1 1/2 miles. Takes me 3 minutes and her about 5.
Apparently he has some heart and a passion for football also! I am glad to see he is excited.
Credit is not our friend!! I picked up cans on the side of the road for a month to get my new VCR!!
A "real" fan is one who feels it in their heart as much as in their head. One who will occassionally gripe about the goings on but still will sit...
Three words: "BIG OIL LOBBYING". Plain and simple, the government won't move to do anything because their pockets are being padded by Big Oil....
So they can arrange for his necessities on an unofficial visit, just can't pay for it? Is that how it works?
Thats actually a Louisiana black bear that they spray paint with Krylon every 6 months.
That's not what I do when nobody's watching:hihi:
Crazy as the day was long though. Just look at his statue of Moses. It had horns and he went off the deep end one day and "whacked" it because it...
And the article on Reynolds is dated today, so this is happening fairly quick. I think it's positive news!
You been drinking heavily again?
But I still need a gardener and a lawn boy!!
Ricky Williams, is that you???????:grin: