The NBA has decided to start playing next season with a new basketball to replace the leather one. Spalding has introduced a composite ball with...
And my wife thinks I am full of useless information. How in the world did you know that little tidbit!! Wait a minute mister:...
AAHH the good ole days. Shacking in cool strange places and barely remembering it. :thumb: Good luck with that.
Thinking of this? [IMG]
I would have thought Alabama vs. Auburn would have garnered a higher rating than #18?? Anybody?
Re: LB position just got a little thiner... That is going to sting for a while.
But their band would beat us in the "STEP OFF"!
Geneva convention is not going to be followed by the US anymore. I read a report the other day. That is if Congress approves (don't know if they...
You have to be kidding right? The Dow has nothing to do directly with the economy. The Dow is a market driven auction house that is based on...
Re: 2003 Keeper I thought you said the band members were out of state folks? Nathan Goebel is/was a good ole Zachary boy. AAAAHHHH God's...
Or anger management!
California team. That speaks for itself.
I bought groceries and a tank of gas with my first paycheck.
Check out this link that shows no baseball coaches listed for the 2007 season....
It's not a cheap hooker, it's just a link.
I don't know his name but I found where he lives now. [IMG]
I know this might be a stretch but he has a daughter named Loyal, which is what 9/10ths of LSU's fans are:wink:
Couldn't agree more. Back to the glory days now that the golden boy is gone.
Not as long as there is a USC in the world.
First step to recovery is admitting it! :hihi: