My friend's uncle's cousin's grocrey store owner's brother by marriage said he heard from a friend that Teri Saban was looking for real estate...
10 of 30 ... for 92 yards... under pressure.
Hmm.. Mond has been what I would call a little under pressure.. He's 5 of 14 for 24 yards... That must be when he got those 24.
Don't put him in sunlight, don't feed him after midnight and for God's sake don't get him wet.. Gremlins are bad enough, but Jedi Gremlins are...
Refs are still busy trying to figure out a way to give Bama the Auburn game.
Bama seems to have the same problem with FG kickers as we had with QB's... lol
Look out... here comes the KiKi Crush!
I'm gonna go ahead and predict that this one will be over before the 5-1/2 hour mark...
So... With things the way they are, if we beat UGA in the SECCG, who gets the #4 spot in the playoffs? Since Oregon got knocked off, does Utah or...
Awww Tirk.. soo close.
MMmmm... Aight then...
That should do it for Joe.
We are extremely lucky Arkansas sucks as bad as they do.. Not saying we'd lose, it would be way more stressful.
EDIT: Nevermind... Tirk and mctiger type faster than
Well holy shit, a defensive stop...
See.. the thing that pisses me off is that I know LSU can march down the field and score when they want to. But instead of getting in there and...
Exactly what LSU has for linebackers.
DId we re-hire Chavis?
It's ok to throw to CEH when it's there, but damn man we have a stable of stud recievers/tight ends... You cannot convince me for a second that...