I'm thinkin' one Apache would do. Or if ya wanna make it fun, a couple of Warthogs.
I don't doubt it's a threat to some, hell I am probably in one of the most vulnerable groups there is. Double lung transplant with high blood...
To answer the OP, I feel like the sky is the limit with Brennan IF he is as good as advertised coming out of high school. But I think an important...
What you got against ostriches?!?
Ya know, I had a very heated discussion with some people that swore that he in fact did mean to inject bleach or household cleaner or wash the...
Several years ago, I became pretty good friends with Larry Foster (yes that Larry Foster).. anyway, when he went to the NFL he told me he got paid...
I for one, get pretty "triggered" when I walk down the isle in the grocery store where they keep the saltine crackers are and the white bread.
Eh nobody is perfect. I'm sure you could find footage of PP7 or TM7 getting burned from time to time, albeit not often. Guys get beat sometimes.....
Best sign I saw at a game... "Hey Auburn! FAULK YOU!!!"
Good read; and pretty much how I have been looking at it. One, or even two assistants does not a great team make. It all starts at the top, and I...
Was wondering if anyone had seen this. That whole message board makes for some interesting reading today..
If you're referring to my post, it's merely a discussion point. That's kinda what we do around here.
Laughable. http://www.espn.com/college-football/statistics/teamratings So... Tell me. What trophy did Ohio St. and Clemson get for being in the...
Did Coach just eat a booger on TV??
Didn't we end last season by snapping a long winning streak as well?
Same.. I curse with the best of them. But I don't do it in front of my grandkids or anyone else's kids... Much less on national TV... Trashy.
Call me old, but I really wish that chant during Neck would die a horrible death.
Joe hasn't....