fuckity fuck fuck
Gary looks like he is about to cry
interception bitches
I was a Cowboys fan until Jones purchased the team. I knew it was time for a coaching change but the way it was handled pissed me off. I threw...
looks like Georgia has it too.
Florida [MEDIA]
I know the math tells us it is better for Florida to win. But I would just like Florida to lose today. I want their hopes and dreams destroyed now.
My bad I thought it was the Double Super Secret Playbook. At least that is what my cousin who is a janitor at U-High told me. He has a side gig...
Oh well on can dream
The way I fell about it is. That most of your profits go into an "escrow" account. You may receive say 20% while in school. That might be a little...
Come on it was because it was not clear on the standard definition monitors in the reply booth. We all know the officals are 100% unbiased when...
There is a part of me that wants field turf for my yard.
Oh shit