Seriously? Are they taking the Zephyrs spots?
I like Notre Dame over Mich State
I do'nt think anyone is disputing that?
Nah, not me...
Was that me what?
I shutter when I hear that name...:shock:...Dinardeaux:shock:
If you mean by getting more media attention Oklahoma "got it worse" than you are right. It was more blatant just because the game seemed to...
I'm loving Marquis Colston...I'm now seeing why we risked trading Stallworth. I think Colston will be great...
I'm a big Saints fan, but a bigger fan of making money... I have a hard time with this, but I am thinking about taking the Falcons...Aren't...
I don't know if Red likes you like that.
It's also on YouTube if you want to watch the actual Video
Yes but considering that two of the bad calls were either in the end zone or on the goal line, there is no way we would not have capitalized on...
Who cares. It's over, the SEC knows our displeasure...I'm not wasting my time writing a letter to the SEC.
How has he been so far?
I love a good old cat fight.
CAn I have you on record as saying that Bush won't amount to anything, please??? :lol: :lol:
Hey, I don't fault Clair for being trigger happy. But I just think after his Cowboys prediction fiasco, he should know better. I guess you cannot...
Who gives a royal ****. I have other more important thigns that I have coronaries over, not the "Ruby Tuesday" ad that displays for megasecond of...
Re: no review Yes he did tip it, but that actually had slightly after the Auburn fan speared Doucet making it interference.
Actually it does. In National Recruiting it definitely does.