No you shouldn't cause then that takes away from you being a self-centered prick:grin::yelwink2:, and then I may not be as inclined to read all...
Be nice grad, just cause the newby doesn't know how to punctuate his sentence doesn't mean you have to make fun of him.:hihi::hihi:
Tebow plays under center?:huh::grin::grin: In all seriousness, I don't like the guy cause he is a Gator, but he is an amazing College Football...
Not every Coach is like your coach over there at BAMA.
That's because you were too busy pouting over your sanctions. LSU was investigated, and did loose scholarships while Saban was here. Do the...
What bulletin board material, while at LSU, has he provided for other teams besides the R-Kansas crap? Miles by a long shot. If I had a son...
Can I tag you, cause if I can, then "tag."
Don't get me wrong, I'm no fan of big government nor this current administration, I just don't think your going to get many to join your cause by...
How is it a lawful promise, we had no Government to create law. Are you speaking of natural law then? You seem to be speaking in philisophical...
I have to agree with Red. The Declaration of Independence is just that, the Colonies Declaring their independence from England. And it gives...
This is why we have all learned to not really care about the AP Poll. I believe you said you were at the 2003 celebration in Tiger Stadium. I'm...
So what you are saying is if someone gives an opinion that differs from yours, its not an honest opinion then.:huh::huh: Seeing as an opinion...
Your right you didn't say it, you implied it with your answer to my statement or you intentionally didn't leave a complete answer. Either way...
Thanks for coming by and joining. We would love for you to stay around as long as your game for a bit of ribbing and good conversation about...
So your saying the rising gas prices, rationing of gas around the nation, lines for gas at the gas stations, etc. in the 70's was a result of peak...
I know I wasn't alive then, but I'm pretty sure people thought we were staring peak oil in the face during the 70's also. There is no physical...
You do realize we have already been running in the I formation a bunch this year and it hasn't really worked because we haven't found a...
It's Saturday night games. We lost to Tenn. at night but it was on a Monday night in '05.
I would assume it is at TEAM KATT's tailgate. This correct? I've been busy for the first two games to actually make it to campus but I'd actually...
They can't really crack down on how they sell the student tickets to each other. What they cracked down on was people buying and selling all...