:cuss:Could we not count our chickens before they hatch. We still have two SEC games left. We lost to both of these teams last year. We...
I'm more than happy to say good game, and I hope either you or Florida go on to win it all. I learned in 2006, Auburn Game, that you can't do...
Iowa is still undefeated. But they still have to play OSU at the horseshoe.
Wait... are playing the 'meow' game from Super Troopers?!!!!:rofl::rofl:
Oh I think you are correct. I don't think he will be fined or suspended either. I just think its funny that they pass the rule, and less than a...
If it is a repeat oponenent, We lost to Tenn in 01, beat them in SECG We beat UGA both times in '03 We didn't play UGA in regular season '05...
Doesn't make sense here. He did both. As did others before him earlier in the season. Remember, not all blasting of the officials has occured...
Josh Reed was actually closer to 300, someting like 290 I believe, and would have had 300 and another TD if he had not showboated going into the...
Uh that's only 3 games...:hihi:
We understand the concept as you do too that stars don't really mean all that much. Jacob Hester or Clay Mathews ring anybody's bell. The...
How is mallet not in the hospital after that???
I think the '05 Bama game would qualify as they were undefeated and ranked in the top 5 at the time.:D
Come on now, give him some credit. He came and addressed LSU's graduating class in '04 instead of going to his daughter's graduation at UT that...
They're different every year. Why do you need a list of their names? If your really desperate, you can go to Tigerama in a couple weeks and...
"I think Game day was on campus at UF for the 06 game which you missed on your list. They were also on campus this year for us and Florida. Which...
I think Game day was on campus at UF for the 06 game which you missed on your list. They were also on campus this year for us and Florida. Which...
CBS still gets first pick. In general they get one or two primetime games a year. Now that the SEC has their new deal with ESPN, all other games...
I'd like to take this time to interject this point... Why I love that Shep scored and got to show what he can do last week. Your other signature...
Read the rules. He has played this year, so unless the changed the redshirt rule back this year, if you play 1 down, you cannot be redshirted.
Its been around a lot longer than you think. The students just didn't pick up on it till 04 or 05. They were doing it when my sister was in the...