I'll do you one better, I doubt most 4 year olds know all the dirty words that were coming on of his mouth with the cameras were on him during his...
And you know what's really scary about all of that... We didn't have anybody better to replace him on the field...
He already did:wave: Signed a new contract earlier in the season that puts his salary above 4 million a year.
LSU will not bring in more money to the city as a well as another SEC team that travels well. Aside from that, Sugar Bowl is not going to pick...
Can't check it out, at work, but I believe in my original post I said it was ticky tack...:thumb: He still flinched...:dis:
Re: New Uniforms for LSU Coming Soon? The image on nike and the one posted are not the same. Look at the legs of the so called LSU uniform. The...
Actually, watch the replay of the game. The Official on the line at the top of the screen threw his flag and came running in just as the play...
I went with I am torn. I love LSU first and SEC second. However, that argument is hamperred severely by the conspiracy theory of the refs now....
Re: ESPN Around the Horn... I understand, I'm just saying if ever a bad officiating changed the outcome of the game, that was it, and to say...
May just be precautionary and lets us know that at least Les was honest in saying Lee would get the majority of the 1st team snaps yesterday and...
Re: ESPN Around the Horn... I wouldn't go so far to say the infamous 5 downs. Didn't that actually change the outcome of the game because on...
Re: New Uniforms for LSU Coming Soon? He is, Nike donates everything to their athletic department for free. Part of the reason they are...
Re: New Uniforms for LSU Coming Soon? I think they are trying to make a splash with the color schemes right now but what they are really...
Re: New Uniforms for LSU Coming Soon? They aren't selling anything. Nike is supposed to be provided these for free as a promotional thing for...
Re: New Uniforms for LSU Coming Soon? Honestly, with that pic, we almost look like Washington with that color scheme.
You do realize the owners of the property that they live in pay taxes, therefore that tax is passed back down to them by rent being increased the...
Re: New Uniforms for LSU Coming Soon? Honestly, that looks like someone just went and redid the VT one with our colors. Not to mention that...
Personally, I had no issue with the call to go for it. I just question the personnel sent in for it. I don't know if I was the only one to catch...
It wasn't exactly the biggest news in Baton Rouge at the time. I remember them saying it in passing but it didn't exactly turn my head. If you...
For anyone wondering. Peterson had issues with hydration because as Red said, he was sick during the week. I believe it was in one of the papers...