Talk about bad timing. As Washington reels from the news of 10.2 percent unemployment, the Center for Responsive Politics is out with a new...
Screw detectors Brett, get a jammer. They'll see you but not see you.
No reason for the ducks to jump us. We lost to number one in a close one...they lost to the smurfs in a blow out.
lsu8888????? :hihi:
That plus the obvious water damage inside...I hope they don't total it. I'm not in the mood to go car shopping. Things getting back to...
Thanks guys and thanks for the offer Crip. I talked to Allstate and they said it would be covered under comp...$100 deductable will get me new...
I don't think any water made it into the engine. It just died. I did try to restart it a couple of did nothing but click like a dead...
Well...thought I'd be cute and go to he front of the subdivision...Mistake! Never flooded out here before. Made it as far as the main...
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Tornado barely missed us. It took out a bunch of homes down the street. Don't know if anyone is hurt. Power lines down for a mile in any...
Somebody read this and report back to us. Thanks in advance! :grin: H.R. 3962 - Affordable Health Care for America Act as Introduced...
Throw in tickets to the game and I'll sign up for a year! By the way, I just had the most delicious pot roast ever. It's been stewing in the...
They didn't have a chance. The ref was directing the 'bama players to the ball. Watch the ref. He did pull anything from his pocket. He was...
....according to a leading authority on global warming. In an interview with The Times, Lord Stern of Brentford said: “Meat is a wasteful use...
What he said! :grin:
I do like top gear. :thumb:
What the hell do you watch...BBC?
I'd like to see an update on that and proof that those banks were allowed to return the money. Other banks have been told they could return it...
You forgot..."puke".