So because you never "felt" LSU could play to their potential under Russell, it "clearly denies him the status of "great" in any fashion you wish...
It's an overreach by the govt. Par for the course, but voters are tired of it. I see no valid argument for this to proceed. And I am tired of the...
You would never know it by your posts. Oh no. Did I miss "grail day" at your church? Are you kidding me? And not that it makes a bit of difference...
If Saban is so much better, how is it he doesn't do "more of it"?:insane: If scientists found the Holy Grail embedded in Miles ass, you would...
Well they say a man's reach should exceed his grasp. But if you really want to "act like me", you will have to use your brain. No real danger of...
Are corporations made up of paper or people? Are you really this phucking dense or is it just an act?
I don't know. This pesky little thing I guess. [IMG]
But Obama is different. he is going to bring new politics to DC. He is going to do what's best for us in spite of our wishes. Not because he gets...
Already happened. Obama biggest recipient of BP cash | Reuters
The dogpile is hilarious. :hihi:
Until the news starts reporting that we are killing civilians again. I wonder when we started fighting according to the sensibilities of cable news?
Where have we heard it before? Well I'm not going to say, but I hear his name rhymes :hihi:
Is that the defense for a possible sale of a senator seat? One that a sitting president may have been a party to, or known about? Just blind...
It would seem likely that Obama knew but I don't think there will be any credible evidence to show it. And hairshow has shown that he can/will lie...
You know that just can't be true. But I don't think politics is an environment that attracts or keeps the best and the brightest. Politics carry...
The media does not specialize in naming front runners successfully. This decade is littered with teams that were picked to win it all. Heck even...
Have you been typing in 4 8 15 16 23 42 every two hours?
I did not vote for Obama and though I am a registered democrat, I am a fiscal conservative. That sentence is taken a bit out of context, or I...
It's simple - they get to kill people and break things. Usually without threat of jail. They just have to be quiet.