So the season will be determined in 6 weeks? I am not so confident. I would prefer to pass judgement after the games are actually played.
The media is usually way off, though Steele gets close often. But you can't really blame anyone thinking little of us with the number of issues we...
Squeezing the game out allowed them to get past it real quick! But Miles will always be perceived this way because he does sound borderline...
About what I thought. Lots of tough talk and no walk. This will be an incredibly amusing thread to pull up in 6 months.
I thought that myself but have encountered just as many older fans with the same sense of entitlement. The dunce cap looks even sillier on them.
Where have we seen this before? No, the truth is the American people are incapable of avoiding exploitation by the ruling class in DC. Not the...
I think I need to go ride 20 miles after reading this. Sounds like pure decadence to me. You are welcome to make that at our tailgate for any...
Geithner just looks more impressive with each passing moment.
Sure I'm serious skooter. I can't help it if you don't want to take credit for what you write. You dismiss Miles and have done so since he got...
We just need guys like Jake & Elwood to take care of them the same way they did the Illinois Nazis.
You should have stopped here. But since you didn't... Not posting the rest of your novel of saying nothing but yes this is clearly what I meant....
While you list some valid criticisms, you just couldn't resist revealing the real problem you have with Miles. His "lackluster" career prior to...
And many bitched the entire way. Miles does deserve criticism for his mistakes, but the sense of entitlement that has overtaken so many fans makes...
Have not seen him on camera before but I have to note how at ease he was in that interview. Despite all the hype(deserved), all he really said was...
You won't see a lot of voluntary crow around here. That is for damn sure.
It could be worse. You could be in Shelia Jackson Lee's district. I just love it. :hihi:
I just wish voters would look at what their respective incumbents have done, and not just listen to what they say they will do. With the...
That would have been an excellent statement to omit. Saint Nick is a self-preservationist after all. Gee.
I keep seeing this repeatedly brought up. Can you explain the point? The media did not report anything about it until after she was fired. It has...
Watching Gibbs deflect blame. "How did we not ask the right questions? How did you(media) not ask the right questions? Etc, etc. Complete...