Come D
Stupid kick
Need the D to get a Stop and Score before the half and We get the ball to start the 2nd half...Let's go LSU
TD LSU! More Hillard please
First Down! Yes
Too many oline standing around and not knocking men down
Stupid challenge not even close...stopin da momentum we have going
More Hillard please..First Down
Our opine is getting slaughtered
Damn two already on Beckham
Some ppl act like JJ fukd their wife or sum in it amazing the hate for JJ
Not yet
Say bye to the Football Field Mr.Ford
Can't have these simple penalties
Defensive Bkfield looking lost and playing soft..Making it to easy for Wilson
Completely agree...RBs need to get consecutive carries in the Saints offense it doesn't happen thats why I didn't agree with trading up for a RB...
Saints! Thanks D for that last stop
Yes!!! Huge Stop by the Dline
Come on Defense don't jump! But stop em still
Funny thing is we talk about the Defense a lot but they make stops but our offense goes three n out in like 10 secs giving them no rest especially...