You could be a woman couldn’t you?
Are you a woman or do you think you are?
That’s what I’m wondering about you?
Are you?????
I’m sure you would have qualified as both had you been there.
That works for me too
BTW Where are we holding the event?
Works for me
In your dreams
Don’t worry baw I’ll be ready
Read the judgment I posted. It is specific and clear. Everything you say is nothing but a straw man and unworthy of response.
It doesn’t matter. A failed bank robbery is still a criminal act. Attempted murder is a crime. A failed coup is still a crime and the judge’s...
@shane0911 @mctiger @KyleK @65Grad BUMP. All this talk about the TF Open and no action. Let’s set a place and time and do it.
It’s not my claim. It’s his words.
Shows what a schmuck you are.
Fool the evidence is in front of your face. Look at Georgia, Ossetia Moldova, Syria you think that’s not a pattern?
You are a fool and a putz.
Oh 30 or 40.
I just did.