I think BK is asking the same thing.
I'm beginning to see why the Dogs were a 3 point favorite. [ATTACH]
Thanks to all for the birthday wishes. Much appreciated. Now let's geaux kick some Bulldog asses. [ATTACH]
A Tiger WIN tonight would be a HUGE 75th birthday present, [ATTACH]
Air Force is down 10 zip to Wyoming in the 2nd.
If you're waiting for the resident village idiot to admit he is/was wrong, you're in for a long, long, long wait.
I'll let you know when I give a shit what you think. And by all means, please hold your breath.
And no one is being FORCED to watch it.
Look in a mirror. On second thought, don't. How many years experience do you have playing/and or coaching football. Being a water boy and/or...
Do you honestly think anyone cares what you think?
Your posts confirms the point that you are totally clueless when it comes to analyzing football.
The media doesn't care what you think nor do we. Ban his sorry ass Kyle.
I don't drink whiskey often, but when I do it's a Canadian blend.
There are a lot of places O COULD end up. I don't think Nebraska is one of them.
And then . .
Damn!! I could have run thru that hole. [ATTACH]
Excuse me while I check to see what other games are on.
Time to pull the starters BK.