So typical of folks like rexy. Give me give me give me with no regard to where all that comes from.
Should have planned ahead and paid their way. We not talking about 45000 people that chose to not have insurance until they were already sick....
The problem with whole thing why the majority of the country (regardless of what your lies say) oppose Obamacare is the prices for those of us...
Exactly.....I had insurance bc we pay our own way not leach off everyone else and of course as I said there were already multiple options for...
Nice try at cherry picking a case but again it's an epic failure on your part. never mind mentioning the 55 year old that simply let's himself...
hahahahahahaha you are hilarious. New day....same old lies. You're wrong. I'm right. Get used to it.
Nah just poking a little extra fun at rexy from him adding the "you're wrong I'm right get used to it" nonsense to the end of a bunch of posts...
The closer spots in shallower water were not typically snapper holding structure until now. But the red snapper that are in that close on those...
made a short trip after work before tball and found an easy mess or mixed specks and white trout. 9 specks to around 40 whites and headed in. No...
You're funny and you assume to much. Already said I'm not a trump fan. I voted for Gary Johnson but I'm damn glad Hillary didn't win. No...
Depends on state. TX LA AL and FL they can found within 5 miles but further is better(generally) out to 400ft of depth. MS is a little further...
You are still wrong. Rates have not come down for the majority of the middle class. You cannot just keep repeating the same lies and have them...
Not to bring up an old arguement with tiga but they announced the federal red snapper season today.....a whopping 3 days this year June 1-3....