Did a few of the pomps this evening.....little white wine, lemon juice, and old bay in the iron skillet on the grill for about 20 min at 350....
year is just flying by. only 1 month before its time to plant the dove field.
Don't care still funny, so is happy days
still looks more like the gayturd than jimmy to me. Like I said I dont care who it is its just funny given the state of affairs between lsu and...
he says its not him either. i dont care who it is....it looks like him and its funny.
If you have not seen this yet just google it. True or not(i am sure its not him but it dern sure looks like him) its is funny as hell. If anyone...
yea thats what it looks like is the consensus online for folks. I had already filleted them all before looking up anything looks like I should...
Shrimp but on just regular trout size hooks. Had no trouble hooking them
Those def weren't these. Likely those were hardtails and other assorted small jacks. These are Florida pompano and like I said I don't know much...
No clue never really caught any except the occasional random 1 or 2 while trout fishing. Any suggestions?
got a quick easy mess of 65 nice white trout in about half an hour this morning and left them biting to go check a couple close state water...
To make a batch of about a dozen: Take bout 3 cups self rising flower and maybe a half a cup of oil and a cup of milk like you gonna make biscuits...
nothing but dirty water everywhere we went today. Only 2 trout this morning gave up on that went hunting for lemonfish and blackfish. No...
i don't know what that is but if they call it a gollet I would be willing to bed the gollet bread has been around a lot longer than whatever that is.
that part i can handle.
gonna be a while I will have to get it but it is not a big secret or anything
My Dad's dad was in the Air Force and was stationed in Southern Cali which is where when he retired and got a really good job at sears so he...
best I cant describe it is a somewhat flattened biscuit cooked on a skillet but it is not a biscuit.....different texture all together and IMO...
like a duck? I got a cousin that moved to Oregon but that just aint my kinda place. To many naked bike rides for me(they participate in all of...
I am going to say this and I hope it does not sound to much like bragging since this is my old family recipe and I am just doing what I have been...