Yeti is good for status......not much else. Lots of better cheaper ice chests out there. Fishing I use just igloos and Colemans unless I know we...
As I've said before they on plenty ice. Still on ice now actually gonna clean em tomorrow. Ice stays in bag while fishing. Pull bags out for...
i guess it's all the rain and bad water but man the blue crabs have vanished. Me and my brother went yesterday but only got 14 medium mostly...
No problem.
Like I said I would trust my senior. If Poche says he's good.....pitch him....if he says he needs another day then hope for the best with whoever.
Yesterday isn't tomorrow. This is it. Like the waterboy you can't hold anything back now. Throw your best.
Prob with that is lose Monday then you pitch Poche tues and if lose that one it's over with Lang on the bench not getting a chance. Pitch Poche...
Unless Poche is saying he is just not ready no way I would do this. Poche game 1, win that one then hold Lang for 3....lose game 1 then gotta...
This was 4 or 5 days ago. It's twice as high now. Actually it's in the no bird stage now. They've eaten the seed that was still on top and...
It's way over ankle high
There's a pile of ice under them those were just the last bucket I dumped on top. Stirred em up and poured more ice on top of em
Finally got a break in the wind and got on some fish. First and only stop threw 100 big yellowmouth white trout and big ground mullet in the box...
haven't been fishing but been on a crab kick lately and they have been some big fat fine crabs. Averaging 5-6 dozen each time we go run em....
Hell of a game.
Just info passed down through 5 generations growing melons on this hill then just observation....drier weather gives sweeter watermelons. They...
Yep. It's easier on the vine. But with this rain I might have to resort to buying a few myself if these dont sweetin up
Nah. Once you compare a couple known unripe ones to ripe ones you get the "feel" for it. Like anything else a little experience makes a world of...
You want it to thud all the way through the melon. Put one hand on the flat on the bottom and tap the top with the other. Should get a good thud...
I don't claim to be an expert as I've cut open several that either weren't there yet or were just overripe and it's def not an exact science but...
Got a couple big watermelons that I think are ready but with all this rain I'm not expecting em to be to good. Tendrils on them are brown to the...