Nope.....I mean I like her too but for whatever reason that's the only one she says game on.
the girl in that Eliza Dushku is the only girl the wife has ever said yes if WE ever get the chance....if you know what i mean.
that'll work.
Mr. Author is def a good guy. I knocked a big hole in the wall under the stairway in his house one time when his daughter was trying to teach me...
Not that they are pic worthy but here they are. Lunch tomorrow anyways. [IMG]
Did not have real high hopes for the lights just yet since we have not had any cool weather really yet and the water temps are still well above 70...
full of wools here. Was looking at some up close while bowhunting had big lumps on them still. I'm gonna wait a while on em.
Yep the wife is keen on that she knows it makes me head on back a day early dern near every time.
Didn't go to good for me as far as meat coming home. Plan was to fish the mornings and hunt the evenings. Wind was blowing hard sat morning made...
Why can I see every pic in this thread except these dang it
I'm tired this morning from it I can tell y'all. Spent all day Saturday cutting trees and splitting firewood then yesterday in the woods all day....
I hope so. Means I'm still out there trying at least
Took my 2 older kids, 7 and 5, on a pretty good hike on some public ground to cut a foot path and hang a stand on some oaks I found last year....
Can't speak much for other crabs other than blue and the ones these casinos have here which suck but I've got about 6 gallons of pure picked out...
Of course. Actually was just dragging crankbaits. Just starting to fish with them here pretty lately and obviously it can be pretty productive....
Took a while but I think he looks good. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
Already told you pic was coming later. Just finished cleaning em. nothing for scale but smallest fish is 13.5 inches and biggest is 3.2lbs [IMG]...
Burned up to the camp friday after work to do a quick scount and hang a couple stands this weekend. Drug the skiff up with me as an afterthought...
That's about they want. My grandpas used to hunt em way back and he killed some giants. But back then they hunted em year round and could set...
Yea or you can haul em to buyer whole. But the prices are so low now and the closest buyers are several hours drive from me we wouldn't make any...