Having it done this month. Surgeon is doing ulnar transposition. Just like to know reaction, recovery time, etc. Thanks.
Dude, you've completely lost me, so I'm not even going to bother.
When all else fails, invoke Bush. Same old lame tune. You and I aren't following the same war. We most assuredly don't go where we want to go and...
The BLA is a formality, it'll be signed by the next president. The Taliban got exactly what they wanted, a sympathetic and emotional response that...
I'm not talking about Bergdahl, I'm talking about Obama. The US isn't closing shop and turning off the lights yet. And if you think that's the...
Dude, who the fuck ever said the Lynch rescue and Tillman friendly fire incident was cool? I've said all along McChrystal never should've been...
It wasn't just his life. It was the life of those who were KIA as a result of his actions, and the lives of those who are put in even further harm...
Now watch. The usual suspects will come out the woodwork to defend the indefensible. Man, just imagine if you were the platoon sergeant or...
This just did it for me, bro. I was on the fence about retiring, not anymore. And those guys in his unit have every right to be as pissed as they...
Yep. Demons. We all have them, we all deal with them in our own way. SOF guys are no different. They may be specially trained, and it takes a...
Since the thread was hijacked by stupidity, I'll attempt to get it back on track by saying it's not a matter of "if", it's "when".
Winston, I'm going to go against you on this one. The US has nothing to gain by getting involved. There are no sides to take on this. I always...
War real/depressing? Pfffft! Only in books and movies. Everyone knows wars are fought through TV screens, head-up displays and joystick. Hell,...
I would venture to say most are legit. Their motivations may vary, but all are very passionate. Anonymity is supposed to be ingrained in the...
Daily beret is gone, bro; only in blues and some ceremonies. Back to our regular cover.
Not sure who you're replying to, I've probably got them ignored for stupidity. GB admin had nothing to do with PT. It stayed within general...
I laugh because I think your blind following of your master is pathetic. You believe what you want to believe. Nothing I write is going to change...
All you have to show for your effort is a profanity-laced tirade and I'm the one who lacks intellect? Nice job. You've totally convinced me I have...
Shane - I would consider this laughable if it wasn't so pathetic. On second thought, it is laughable. And pathetic.
That's nice. Five suspects in another country are under surveillance. If your hero or anyone in his administration had made the right call they...