That may be the case, but UK sure looks more athletic than they've been recently. And that was only UF's second game. I guess we'll find out as...
Dude, I agree. I just don't understand it. It's almost as if this is some kind of fad or something.
I don't think there's any way around US involvement in Syria helping Bashar by default. The Brits may be tired of following us to war, but they,...
Glad it's being confronted. No easy answers. I am not at all surprised Turkey will offer no support. It stands to reason because in my opinion,...
I don't know, man. I've lived in some pretty austere conditions, slept on top of my turret for the first three months in Iraq in 2003, lots of...
I sincerely appreciate the thank yous. I will never be one of those guys who expects to be given anything, will not wear my uniform off-post...
Thirteen year anniversary, I still vividly remember where I was and what I was doing that morning. I was a 2LT in charge of a funeral detail team...
I'm not saying the time to build a coalition has completely passed, but I will say we are damn sure on a compressed timeline with it. And the...
I think it's important to look at the difference between AQ and ISIS. While their religious ideology may be similar, they are politically...
I'm down with the "indeed".
We've been using drones for years and accomplished nothing more than make more jihadists. I think we're all missing the point with ISIS. They...
Thanks, bro. She's beaten it thus far and has never let a prosthetic slow her down. She's definitely a trooper.
My wife found out she had cancer while I was a company commander deployed in Iraq. She was 6 months pregnant. Only recourse was amputation. Life...
What do you think has enabled economic trade?
Definitely not to be trusted.
Man, good questions. The US definitely could, but shouldn't go it alone. The prudent thing to do would be to get buy-in from other EU nations and...
The Kurds are definitely willing to fight, and providing support is the right thing to do. But there has to be some backdoor maneuvering to...
First, my how quickly this has turned from "IT'S NOT OUR FIGHT" to whole hearted support. I guess we're not as objective thinkers as we like to...
And didn't they unfuck the personal foul penalty that upon review, if it wasn't a penalty, it was still a penalty? Or was that last year?
I agree he's made some questionable pitching changes, and lost some games this year because of it. But at the same time, players have to perform....