Wow!! Great Post.. This along with Trents article in the Advocate has me ready for next year. Can't wait, should be a lot of fun.:geaux: Just...
Any inside info on who may be the next commitment? I suppose the weekend of the Spring Game may be the next prime weekend? Nothing expected...
Great Information guys, keep the information flowing. I guess I am the guy who started the question about Bass Leaving next year to make room for...
Great Forum and you guys are right on with your questions & answers. I am no expert but I sure expect that offense to be much better next year. I...
Great Effort Tigers, You Did Your best & gave em fits.:geaux:
Explain how the circumstances of a player leaving makes a difference to the NCAA. Not being wise at all - I don't understand. I didn't think the...
Thanks for the information Tiger In CowCountry!!!! You seem to be on top of things... :)
Whats the story on QB Stevie Douglas from Baton Rouge La. Baton Rouge Prep Academy?? Also, why wouldn't LSU tender more offers to the big Ugly's...
With speed in the 4.65 range isn't he a bit slow for SEC Offenses? I mean for a safety isn't that below average speed?? Other than that he may...
OK, LSU Presumably finished with 2010 recruiting with Ross Miller commiting this Thursday. What are our options for 2011? How many scholarships...
We can surely use him as LSU needs shooters & assists badly. Looking forward to next year... I am looking forward also to reading about him...
I don't think I am gonna spend my few entertainment dollars to watch a team as bad as LSU is this year... Planning on going next year as they will...
Blem or anyone who knows.... How many QB's will LSU try to sign this year?? Are there any great ones in Louisiana??
Thanks Blem, Your constant updates & information was & is Truly Awesome!!!!
Not wanting to start a new Bash LSU thread I have a few questions regarding this years basketball team. I know they are just totally awful, (just...
Glad the tigers got Him. I am wondering how does he compare to Mr. Reed??? Not rated as high but sometimes that don't mean anything...
Re: James Wright Commits Wow,,, A Four Star recruit (wide receiver) from Louisiana no less. Great Job Coaches. Lets hope we can get him the...
To comment on the theme of this thread - Lack of recruiting / poor recruiting for this years team (California flash Dodson, Heck, we got Louisiana...
I do hope you are right. I think you are right. I think Trent is a very good coach & given time & players (he should recruit) LSU will be tough...
DD says Lache Seastrunk will make a Committment Announcement on Jan 27 & he thinks we still are in the lead for him. I say no way. Whats the...