Can He hit and catch a baseball??:hihi:
Just a question on Mr. Reed. Isn't he a tad slow for a wide receiver - 4.59, especially to be a possible 5 star? Why is he rated so high? I...
OOPs... Guess I wasn't clear on what I was talking about... I was not referring to the recruiting - The enjoying the ride part that I was...
Ok, Thanks, I was just wondering if DD had heard something new that wasn't posted yet.
Its ok, Its Ok.... I moan & groan every year, Its kinda my way of staying Motivated.. Please excuse me for being negative at times:redface:. I am...
Any Ideas on who DD was refering to today when he said TJ & LSU were in the final two on two national recruits?
Great News, Great Job Van & Staff..
I have heard the argument before on the 5 star versus the 2/3 star. I know it can happen but I would think that on the average the 5 stars turn...
Wow, another top 10 recruiting class is good news for most schools & I think for LSU as well but I do have a question.. How will that do for us in...
Is LSU at all interested in Wes Rea as a baseball player/recruit??
Just a information note that makes me envinous :dis: - Texas according to ESPN already has 4 commitments for 2011.
5ft 10in tall & 161#, that is a small guy for cornerback but with 4.3 speed anythings possible... I love speed guys, Hope he has a good camp....
Has LSU offered Rea? Scout says no? Being he is pretty darn good at both football & baseball seems LSU would be perfect for him? Rivals 4* ,...
Great reply guys... Mostly just trying to stir up some action in this thread & hoping I can learn something at the same time.. I know I am just...
DD says Where's The Beef!!! Says that he thinks LSU wants to sign 4 Offensive Linemen & 4 Defensive Linemen for 2010. What say you??
This is getting confusing... I know, I know, I stay confused. First I hear that TJ wants only good program players that want to be at LSU & also...