So has anyone checked their bank acct this morn? Apparently I got a partial payment.
It's the video Trump played yesterday
That was an Epic beat down of the press. I enjoyed that one..
I take 5000 units a day. Most people who don’t work outside are deficient in Vitamin D. Start taking it. That is one of the keys to beating Covid19
I am hoping we can open up areas that are doing well, but still restrict travel so that people don't go outside their area or state and then bring...
Don't get too excited. He may be getting a plan together, but when it is implemented is the key
There was a 2 yr old in Michigan or Minnesota a few weeks back that died
I was born in Opelousas, grew up in Alexandria and live in Texas because I wanted to be close enough to home to visit without living there. I...
Actually, I was told by someone that most migrant workers in China have 2 phones, one for work and since they haven't been working that is a large...
Chinese government: 3,331 people died here of coronavirus. Cell phone carriers: 21 million fewer phones are pinging off your towers now than...
You have to look at bed capacity. How close to capacity is that?
I cannot take credit for this. It was compiled from CDC tweets but thought I would share it with you: I was tired of hearing how Trump called...
If you have an old shirt that you don't wear anymore, you could use that.
I am kind of disappointed in Abbott with this - am not sure he is making wise decisions.
Thats the way to protect the elderly. We have one of the assisted living places here that is having problems with the virus spreading. 4...
Holy cow - did we jumped a 1000 deaths overnight? Was it yesterday we broke 3000 and now we are over 4000?
I am still going to work. See a few patients, then go home. Still scared of getting this thing. But I wear face masks or face shields when...
There are a few of us who get tired of the crap here and just check in every so often. You can debate without being destructive.
China has way underreported. They were saying yesterday that Wuyan was ordering 3500 urns a day to bury the dead