I got chased by a Canada goose once. I lived in Minnesota and I was eating lunch near this little pond by work. Was sitting on the bench and...
I am not letting it run my life. I go to work everyday, do my grocery shopping, planted my garden, etc. I also wear my mask in public, wash my...
Well I would rather take advice and counsel from medical professionals I know, than Internet forum peeps I don’t know
Not hardly. Not even close. You don't get 50,000 deaths in a month.
Yes, Italy, Spain, France, UK - all unnecessary
Wrong. It stopped from overwhelming the medical infrastructure which is what we wanted. Now its time to open things up
Maybe she has the 'Rona
No the goal is to not see a spike occur. We have flattened the curve. We don't want to see another spike in cases so we can get on with our...
So you won't wear a mask because someone told you you had to. Does this mean if it were only a suggestion, that you would wear one?
Vitamin D. Take your Vitamin D. I take 5000 units/day. One of the docs I work with in researching this in his spare time and thats what he told...
I am kind of on the fence about schools. The kids are the least likely to be affected by Covid-19 so letting them go back to school seems like it...
Oh and I should add, keep complaining about it and you will get Biden elected. :eek:
Ok let’s look at this model stuff. The models were based on the information that we had at the moment. First we had China saying their numbers...
Don't be an ass. I know its hard.
No, Dr. Seth Sullivan, our infectious disease specialist and Brazos County Medical director.
The guidelines to reopen: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/reopen-economy-council
If Covid killed the patient 6 mos before the cancer would have taken him, then yes. It accelerated the death timeline
If Covid accelerated that, then it was a Covid death
Someone with stage 4 lung cancer is going to be pushed over the edge with Covid-19