wake up it's miles it's always been miles,players just don't want to play 4 years for him,look at alabama 13 players graduated still on team...
just a hard working lsu fan.
and finish second to everyone else
john gruden . Art Briles, Gary Patterson, . Chris Petersen,
That's why it's called big boy football,not Hopscotch.
Totally agree miles has lost the fire in his belly,Done went conservative on us.:(:(
Guess parents made him smoke lol.
How many so far this year are in trouble,2 have been arrested will never play this year 3 players amigo on this years team have been arrested so...
would be nice we will see,but miles needs to step back coach like he use too going for it on fourth down like in the florida game fake field...
amigo im american not mexican.
it's college not nfl.
defintely something going on with miles and jj.
best coach saban lol , how about the one who has the most paid players the most corruption and the one who gets his best talent from louisianna.
c'mon chief don't be that way,we all know your jealous of saban.