I believe I hear TIDEFANS calling you :rolleyes:
I would vote for Loston be #7 he is due to have a great year and be the DB leader. Copeland would also be a great choice for the # 18
link from dandy Don's site on LF. I sure hope to see him in P&G http://espn.go.com/video/clip?id=9505706
Sad but true the gumps can have the lowest SOS in the SEC west and still in mother medias eyes be the best team in the country.
Bhelm what is your opinion where he is talent wise based on others that were in camp and in 7 on 7 drills?
If he has the ball skills and hips to play CB at 6'2" with long arms he has the measurable to be another one on the LSU-DBU-NFL train!
No way we drop 4 !! I don't know what LSU team you been following but we are in better shape Offensively than we have been in years and with Cam...
For Midgets!!
I feel Hunter is going to be a player that comes in under the radar and by season end will be in the ranks of all SEC discussions. Although...
I doubt you have buried a 16 yr old cousin and been a possible target so cut the KID some slack !! Did you read the link Bhelm posted? I would not...
If all is true about the party and murder I wish the kid the best but I do wish he would have chose Okie State or another non SEC school. His...
I just hope he cuts his hair and avoids the 70's porn stash/clothing. He is the face & leader of this team therefore he should present and dress...
Not that points matter on the field but being that we are talking about RIVALS the GUMP lovers I doubt they let it happen they will somehow lower...
Has there been any interviews with LF since the camp? I would love to hear his take and comments about the camp.
I sure hope BH's commit will mean a lot of ear time for who could be his LT in the future. I know BH has been on the receivers but he better be...
What CS said +1 WELCOME
Bet Cam has a few Ray Rice plays up his sleeve for this young man in the future.
I bet when it starts to crumble OL CUM will have another "broken heart" moment.
Sure must have been impressive to Les Welcome aboard !!
He has the speed and size to be a 1st round LT in a few years I sure as hell hope we see him in P&G