There are “January 6 Patriots” and then there are “constitutional patriots”. Not the same. You are a perfect example of what I said in my last...
Trump would be wise to continue to refuse to testify under oath. Truth, even though (hilariously) part of his (bombing) Social media company, is...
by crenshaw being a todays gop that simply means being someone who MAY disagree with trump on some issue. and you idiots are ok...
no, she's not correct. the electoral college said trump won. that's the democratic way. besides, she conceded in a timely fashion. everything...
If you think the election was stolen then you are clearly the dementia ridden unpatriotic idiot you've always represented yourself as being. and...
Man, when Cruz and Cornyn are not far right enough for the GOP???!!! And, I guess, McCarthy's job is now in peril because the Orange One's not...
This is like Twilight Zone shit, isn't it?
May I correct you please. Where it concerns Trumpism, a "lefty" may actually be a righty, only with integrity.
You’re nothing more than an idiot. You forget, the votes were recounted in battleground states and absolutely nothing changed except larger...
Just because "it didn't come to anything" doesn't, in any way, mean the attempt wasn't there. and no, i won't describe how to overthrow...
No more needs to be said...about you?
Ok then, give me your common sense behind this, Einstein, and why this is not a major threat to democracy....
Don't forget, "about a loser".
You know the best evidence Trump was behind the Jan 6 attempted insurrection? Answer: Because it failed.
and don't forget about beauty pageant contestants claiming he'd walk into their dressing rooms while they were naked, or half naked, because he...
It’s not the dems trying to overthrow the government. Like every single person testifying is not only a republican, it is that every single...
You’re confused because you’re an old, dementia ridden man. This is not the only place I’ve heard this. They also suggested this in the...
This is starting to feel like the Watergate trial.
there are good police and there are bad police. Hell, Testimony showed Pence didn’t get into the car because he didn’t trust the driver....
Surprised they would not have been shut down during the trump years, considering his lap dog status to Putin.