Isn't FSU's defense playing pretty stout right now? Maybe he'll bring his current DC........if he comes.
Where would they be had they stuck with Carr?
Now there's some ungrateful, unrealistic fans.
I don't like that it public too soon either, puts Miles in an embarrassing spot, but I don't think it is as bad as all that.
Any way you look at it, it's an improvement on the current situation.
I wonder who said that. Gotta quote?
We want an offense to compliment a dominating defense. Can Chip Kelly bring that? I'm guessing not.
That would be a great staff.
"Sure the focus will be on the obvious reasons; Miles' inability to evolve as an offensive coach, the fact that his team's quarterback play seems...
I agree. I don't want to be the Saints, I'd rather be the 1985 Bears.
"I don't buy the "who you gonna get" argument. If you're in a bad marriage, you don't stay in it for fear of not being able to find someone else....
It's not like this stuff with Chavis' contract is just now coming out. I know less than most, but I knew a year ago at least in general what...
That sympathy might evaporate once again depending on what happens Saturday.
Because the freakin talking heads think it's about a three game losing streak and losing to Bama. They haven't experienced the frustration of...
I'm gonna be loosing a can of whoop-ass if we don't get this coaching search right.
Winston was a high profile douchebag that makes it seem worse than it really is. FSU doesn't really have any bigger problem with player arrests...
That's what we all prefer but if we don't get Fisher who are we gonna get that meets that criteria?
Since yesterday...
I'd take Herman over several "experienced " head coaches that have been mentioned.