Cotteonbowel you keep talking out your a$$ and maybe one day you will get something right. From FOXNEWS link
Read what this guy was saying three months ago about the dangererous information they were finding and record destruction, not stockpiles but...
quote: "I did hear some scout talking about how USC would beat us if they played us," Peterman said. "And I told him if any of the USC players...
Stuff like this comes and goes, but Syria always seems to be mentioned whether it is WMDs or Saddam's cash. Weapons in Syria????? link
I think these are copies from videos WAFB put together. Did anybody see them on Channel 9?
This was from the site saying the boos started when he said Blanco could not be there.
By saying "either" are agreeing that you do not have a problem with terrorists killing Jews?!?!?!? What are you Cottonbowel X?
After talking to my mom who was there at least some of the people (around her) were mad, because now that she is Governor she did not show for...
Not a bad idea. You seem like you are ok with terrorists killing jews just not with Americans killing terrorists.
I thought Bush was evil and a liar.
He actually ends it with: Also as far as your stockpile quote is there a difference between stockpiling WMDs and maintaining or looking into...
I thought Spadoni got his grades back up after this past semester.
By Pro-Life group (see attachment at bottom) Also there seems to be more advances or a more pro-life tilt in more states than is usually...
From Defensive Tackle??? Maybe they are wrong with their other info as well, but I have been reading to much the last few days about...
How is that different than "official" news sites? Their % of quality info might even be lower than DD's.
What I have been hearing the last couple of days on the internet is what Dandy Don reported today.
Thank You!