If you really think Democrats are any better I am scared for your students. Clinton and Gore had "donations" from China, Buddhist monks,...
Sorry to see him go, but knowing that this was probably coming I am very glad he is still going to get to be in the regular draft and wish him the...
So at at lunch time the day of her link every news source was reporting on this, which is why her link had to come from the AP. Do you not...
Where do you get 87 Billion from? Is it from the appropriations that was passed by congress and signed by the President this fall for Iraq and...
The NCAA needs to step in. This cannot be in the intent of home games or attendance requirements of these home games.
Does it really matter? So Kerry can take all the special interest money he wants as long as it is less than Bush. But, you are right I should...
Yea Right Kerry Leads in Lobby Money Anti-Special-Interest Campaign Contrasts With Funding By Jim VandeHei Washington Post Staff Writer...
Thanks for proving my point bowel.
I know irritable bowel does not have the capacity to know any better, but I am not sure if Mesquite just wants to read the sound-byte because that...
Most of the world thought the same as Bush on Iraq having WMDs including your boy Clinton. There was just a disagreement on how to deal with it....
Jan. 29 — ABCNEWS has obtained an extraordinary list that contains the names of prominent people around the world who supported Saddam Hussein's...
Sick. But I guess that is just who they are, and we should accept it. INCREASING PROBLEM: Swedes have more and more animal sex Av...
I wonder if bowel even realizes that he just contridicted himself.
Do you have a link for this story?
Weren't we in Japan for somewhere around 7 years? How does Cotton get staying there 10 years from his first remark about 100,000 troops for...
So Kay is Bush's b*tch when he says things like the below. But you do not seem to think negative of him when you try to quote him about...
Except when you get to Michael Jackson amounts of surgery I have never been good at telling if someone has had something done or not. A lot of...
Maybe Cottonbowel is really George Carlin. Carlin link
More from Kay. Link Clinton News Network link This is CNN Based on Kay's own words , all of them not just he did not find...