From Dallas it is anywhere between 7 to 8 hours to BR based on your speed and where in the metroplex you live.
I think I read that Rumsfield invited her. A two day trip is pretty dangerous for public figures especially now that it is public on day one. I...
How long before Houston runs off another team, and ends up with the most expensive sun roof in the World.
"And this nation has made them what they are." BS. They made themselves.
Re: Re: Re: The Trust Issue The only people whose beliefs were controlled by oil in regards to Iraq were the French and Russians....
Kerry used to think differently. WJ link
read more at cnn link
The incumbent always takes hits in the polls around this time when the press is reporting all the negative comments towards the incumbent by the...
I cannot not find anything wrong with this justification from the President before the war. Iraq repeatedly made false declarations about the...
Maybe this link But I am not sure if it is the right one Edit: I just read Dandy Don and see that this link does not have the...
Here is the link to the article about Clark's NATO papers in the Post. Link
If this really is in the post tomorrow it should be an interesting read.
Bush also appointed Thomas who besides Scalia is the most conservative justice. After the Clarence Thomas bashing by the media and the Senate...
So for you again it is about Halliburton but it is ok for the companies mentioned in these articles to benefit from paying Kerry. It was ok for...
Regardless of whether you are right or not, do you think Democrats are really better. You are complaining about homosexual marriages, which are...
Maybe President Kerry will fix it. To be honest outside of some type of amendment to the Constitution I am not sure what can be done with this...
Do not blame Bush for this. These issues had their birth in the 90's. These are state judges from a known liberal state. Bush has had to fight...
If the appeal is denied Tagliuabu will not be able to recommend not drafting him, because unless he gets drafted #1 he can blame anything less...
I wonder how many freshman, sophomores, and high schoolers are going to try and use this to try to enter this years draft.
I hope the NFL appeals and drags this out until after the draft or until this guy gets arrested and put in jail. Even if this ruling stands I...