She is 12 going on 21. She talks about politics, loves Bush, dislikes those who do not, and will argue will people at her school that put down...
That is a play on words.
That is true which is why I do not support it, and I am even more against making it over the counter which will increase the killing of fetuses...
You can. The issue was people have just as much right to not want to pad the pocket book of radicals as to not let a former marine dictate what...
Martin's premise is that Pro-Lifers not just society place different values on the unborn as on the born. We know there are those in society that...
Yea nothing bad has ever happen in the name of science.
I am. I just am not sure how my usual standard will be effected by this being a film about Jesus. From what I have seen if this was about John Doe...
I have a feeling I am going to come out of this movie extremely worn out emotionally, but I think it will be worth it. I also think Mel always...
Movies are not really as much about Art as they are about money and popularity. You can make up your own mind just like others can to not...
Not sure if this was the one that you were talking about, but I deleted the thread (by deleting the first message) that I started about the new...
Here is a link from ABCnews. ABCnews link
We have all seen pictures of the development of a fetus, but 2 years ago my wife and I had to go through a very rough pregnancy that ended with us...
I guess Foster is the one who started the state income tax. So now it is the payroll taxes that are the issue, but did Bush cut the payroll...
Since I was already there getting Taxcut I did some very quick estimates on 2003 taxes and savings due to 2003 tax changes on various incomes and...
Can you back any of this up? or is this like your Taliban wing of the Republican Party stuff. Were any of these 1/2 already getting Earned...
"Tax cuts are very rarely good for an economy" The Economics department must have done a 180 since I was at LSU.
Democrats (at least liberals) think tax cuts give people the govt's money instead of thinking they reduce the amount money the govt takes from people.
Irritable bowel you might want to take a look at your views on jews and christians before you start throwing any stones.
Were any of these Americans who have been accused of being traders over the last couple of years raised in the Islamic faith or have all been...
Is it possible that the French Canadians are actually worse than the French? OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canada's government on Friday condemned a show...